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rains in mumbai

There is nothing like a tropical rain to wash away the dust, mud, and dirt from your streets, and yet it still rains in Mumbai. The rain here is so intense, it can drive you crazy. The only good weather we see is when there is some sort of thunderstorm.

The city of Mumbai is one of the most polluted cities in the world. In fact, it is the second most polluted city in the world. It is so dense that even the air quality of the city is more than a notch above the national average for cities with more than 200,000 inhabitants. It is one of the largest air polluters in India. The city also has one of the most polluted rivers in the world.

The river has been known to be one of the worst in India, even compared to the Ganges. It is a major source of water pollution, and has now become one of the most polluted rivers in the world. Even the most polluted rivers in India can’t rival the Ganges for sheer air pollution. We at Rainforest Action Network have been fighting for years to clean up the river and stop the air pollution caused by it.

It sounds like a nightmare, but rain in Mumbai is already a problem. During the monsoons, the rivers get very high and the air gets very polluted. It doesn’t take long for a case of the sniffles to develop.

To make matters worse, the monsoons are a time when the rivers are covered with water from the rains. That means they are more prone to flooding.

The water is not covered by any water. It is mostly water that is lost in the monsoons. Our own theory says that the water is basically a slosh of air that is not in the river. It also makes it a problem for our party. If we were to find the source of the water, someone would have to be very careful and watch out for it.

A few days ago, the rains in Bombay, India were not so enjoyable. Our team had the day off from the office to go watch a movie in the city. It is a city known for its weather. The rains are not a problem here, but there is a danger that the sky will be filled with water, and the water could flood any of the city’s bridges and cause a major disaster. So we were advised to take a road trip over to our friend’s place nearby.

Our first stop was at the local hospital. It was a bit of a disaster. The roads were flooded. But the rain kept on coming. We were all soaked through and the water kept coming down and splashing onto the city streets. So the plan was to keep walking, but that was a mistake. The water kept coming and kept the city streets flooded. And then the water kept on coming and kept flooding the road. And the road got even worse.

Luckily, we were lucky enough to be on the second floor of a hospital. We made it out to the first floor, where our friends were. We were safe. But we were soaked and freezing. And then the water kept coming. We were all soaked. It was like a nightmare. We were all freezing and it was all over.


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