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monkey on my back meaning

I mean, it means, “It’s a good thing you were able to have a nice night’s sleep,” especially if you were out partying and had a good time. Monkey on my back means you didn’t go to bed super early or you woke up really late and then had a good time. That’s the only time when I use the “monkey” word.

The fact is that you wake up at a certain time in the morning to get up and go to work. A lot of people do that when their life isnt really going well. But when you go to bed and don’t get up until after midnight, you’re probably not going to be able to get a good night’s sleep.

Monkey on your back is a really common phrase that has all sorts of meanings. It can be used to describe an early evening, a late night and/or a lazy Saturday night. But not all people use it that way. If you are someone who was late to bed most of the night, you probably did not use monkey on your back. If you had a really good time, you might have used monkey on your back.

Monkey on your back isn’t often used in the same context as monkey on your ass, but it’s used all the same. It’s the action of making or taking a trip to see something on your own terms. Monkey on your back is a kind of free time, a moment where the hours pass you by, when you can do anything you want, without being held responsible for the events of the day you went out to see.

Monkey on your back is also considered a sign of insanity, which is why you might have thought the phrase wasn’t appropriate when you first heard it. Its possible that the term came about because monkeys could be quite helpful and the person who coined it was just trying to be clever. In some cases, like when you need to get something from a store without paying, the best way to avoid paying for something is to not go there in the first place.

I’d like to think there’s an element of the “monkey mind” in why people like to use it. Its a term used to describe behaviors that seem to indicate a lack of awareness of your surroundings. It may also be a bit of a stretch, but I think the use of the word monkey on your back in the context of the movie Inception is pretty damn close.

You’re not wrong though, I think this is a pretty appropriate way to describe a monkey on your back. It reminds me of the scene in the movie in which the young boy takes his father’s keys and uses them to gain access to the apartment building’s security system. I think a lot of people who want to get something from a store without paying feel that way, or at least feel they should.

My parents were definitely on my back about this. But they were also trying to get me to join the military and so they were trying to get me to keep my emotions in check when I was around a lot of people I didn’t know.

I agree. I mean, I don’t know what a monkey is. But I do know that if my parents were trying to get me to join the military, they would have been just fine with me doing something that would just end up being a mess.

Monkey on your back is a self-deprecating phrase that refers to someone who has a way of acting with a certain type of confidence without thinking about it too much. When I say “monkey on my back” I mean to say a person who is always on the verge of making an emotional mistake. Like, “I have a girlfriend.


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