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matangini hazra in hindi

This matangini hazra in hindi is the perfect meal for my friends who love matangini, my favorite pasta. The matangini is cooked in the traditional way, and the flavors are perfectly balanced. A delicious and healthy meal to share with friends or family.

The recipe is simple, and the ingredients are very simple too. The veggies are usually canned in water, but I like the idea that you can also make this dish with fresh veggies.

This recipe is a little more detailed than you expect, but it’s still a nice simple, easy recipe.

matangini is a very popular pasta dish, so the fact that it is so versatile is a plus. Plus, the vegetables are very easy to cook and keep warm in the microwave, so it’s a perfect meal for busy people.

One of the reasons matangini is a popular dish is because it is so easy to make. Its very easy to put together, and there aren’t many ingredients to get wrong. What’s also great about matangini is that it is a very healthy dish. It is made by using fresh veggies that are easy to cook with a little bit of heat, and it also uses a lot of spices that are all easily found in the health food section of your grocery store.

Matangini is also a good recipe for those who are trying to cut calories. To make matangini, you will need a few pre-made matangini dishes. For one, you’ll need to cook the matangini base, and then you will need to add the ingredients for the topping. The matangini base is made by cooking some spinach (or any of your favorite leafy greens) and onion.

The matangini dish is the base of matangini and is made by cooking some spinach or any of your favorite leafy greens and onion. The matangini dish is the base of matangini and is made by cooking some spinach or any of your favorite leafy greens and onion.

This matangini dish is one of the most popular dishes in the game, so we thought it was a good time to share it with you. For those of you who haven’t tried matangini before, matangini is a dish of vegetables simmered in a starch-based seasoning. The base of matangini is made by cooking some spinach or any of your favorite leafy greens and onion.

The dish is pretty simple and easy to make. You just start by cooking some spinach or any of your favorite leafy greens and onion. Now, we will talk about the different ways you can serve this matangini dish. For those who love a spicy dish, you can add some chili peppers before simmering the spinach.


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