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define banality

In an attempt to describe the concept of banality, I decided that this term was perfect because it covers the very essence of life: it is a state of complete and total futility. We’ve all felt the momentary joy of a new car, or the thrill of a new job, but beyond that, each and every day is a struggle that we have to fight and fight and fight a little bit more.

What is banality? Well, banality is the state of the mind when life’s a train wreck. Basically, it’s the moment when the only thing that you have is your own thoughts, and those thoughts are so awful they’re more than you can handle, so you lash out and create a huge fight, tearing yourself to shreds and then laughing it off a few hours later.

Its a struggle to get a job because most people don’t do well at jobs.

The problem is when you’re on autopilot over something that you get to make a big mistake, you have to take it out of your mind. You don’t have to do it because you’re stuck with it and you don’t have to be there in the first place. But it can be a big fight, it’s a struggle and it’s a huge struggle.

I think I know what banality is. The thing that you think you can handle better than others. Its like when you say you dont like football but you know youll love it after you play your first few games. It is the struggle to get better at something you take so seriously that you cant bear to stop playing it.

banality is a concept that we used to talk about in our class on psychology, in our weekly sessions here at college, and in our last lecture before we went home. It’s a concept that refers to a bad habit or habit that is so ingrained in us that we cannot stop ourselves from doing it. Something that we do that is so ingrained that it feels like it’s not even a choice but a part of us.

The only time that I can think of is when you die. As an example, a kid who falls off a cliff, and starts to take his life. You have to know when the end is coming. We have to make sure that you keep moving forward as you die. You can’t stop yourself from doing it.

This is true in real life, too. If you do something so ingrained that it feels as if you cant stop yourself from doing it, you will probably die. Even if you could, you wouldn’t.

The thing is, it’s not really a choice at all. It’s more like when we have a choice, but we just feel like the choice is not really what we want. So we feel as if the choice is not really a choice at all.


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